Since 2017, I serve as Book Reviews Editor for Organization Studies (SAGE).
I regularly review for research journals and academic conferences.
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(AAW-3001-2020) please click on the button here:
Conference organizer
2019-2022 EGOS (European Group on Organization Studies) Standing Working Group on Time and Organization Studies, with T. Hernes, D. Chandler and J. Karmowska
Editions of 2019 & 2020, co-organizer of Ethnography workshop (joint between EMLYON, ESADE, WU Amsterdam)
2018 LAEMOS (Latin-American and European Meeting on Organization Studies) subtheme 1 co-convenor: Organizational History and Memory, with D. Coraiola, R. Suddaby, M.J. Murcia & B. Cooke. (Buenos Aires)
2018 AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique): Doctoral Workshop co-organizer and member of the Scientific Committee.
2017 EGOS (European Group on Organization Studies) Sub-theme co-convenor of subtheme 43: Theorizing the Past, Present and Future in Organization Theory, with R. Suddaby & D. Chandler. (Copenhagen)
2015 EGOS subtheme co-convenor of subtheme 48: Organizations and the imagined life: perspectives on imagination, creativity and novelty, with co-convenors A. Komporozos-Athanasiou, C. (Babis) Mainemelis, (Athens).
2015 Management et Philosophie: quelle éthique pour construire le management de demain? Co-organiser of this symposium in collaboration with Le Cercle de l'innovation - Fondation Dauphine et DRM-M&O, Université Paris Dauphine.
2015 Workshop on The Politization of firms co-organized with S. Picard (IAE de Toulouse), V. Steyer (ISG) and X. Philippe (Néoma Business School) with support from the Chair Société Générale-ESCP Europe on Organizations, Leadership and Society).
2012 In Search of the Missing Link: Locating the Invisible Individual in Institutional Theory, Workshop on Institutions and Institutional Work, (Paris, France), co-organized at ESCP Europe with Jean Philippe Bouilloud (ESCP Europe), Roy Suddaby (University of Alberta) and Thierry Viale (University of Liverpool).