My research is transversal, and seeks to address societal and organizational questions with a critical perspective grounded in philosophical thought.
I am currently an Associate Professor of Philosophy and Organization, and member of OCE Research Center at Emlyon Business School, in Lyon, France. Originally from Mexico, I graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Ulm in Philosophy and won the FNEGE-AIMS best dissertation award for the ethnography of a banking compliance team I did for my PhD in Management Science. I hold the French HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) for doctoral supervision since 2021.
I have been a visiting scholar in several universities abroad (University of Alberta (Canada) with a grant from the CEFAG-FNEGE; University of Leipzig (Germany), Scuola Supériore Sant'Anna di Pisa (Italy), University of Nottingham Trent (UK) with a Visiting Fellowship Grant from the British Academy), and Università di Trento (Italy).
My work has been published in leading academic journals such as Organization Studies; Journal of Business Ethics; Gender, Work and Organization; Organization, and the European Management Journal.
I serve as Book Reviews Editor for Organization Studies since 2017.
HDR - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : "Penser notre temps entre philosophie, éthique et organisation: de la quête de place au choix des marges". Université Paris Dauphine-PSL.
PhD in Management Science "Ethics as situated practice: a multi-level study of ethics as practice in banking compliance" FNEGE-AIMS Best Dissertation Award.
ESCP Europe - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Master in Management of Organisation and Public Policy
Université Paris X Nanterre
Master in Contemporary Philosophy
ENS Ulm and Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Visiting Fellowship Grant (British Academy) (2018)
Global Finalist of the Robin Cosgrove Prize for Ethics in Finance (Observatoire de la Finance & IMF) for the paper: "Dirty hands and dirty money: towards a framework for fighting pollution in finance" (2015)
FNEGE-AIMS Best PhD Dissertation in Strategic Management Award (2014)
Best Paper Excellence in Ethics Award by the Institute for Ethical Business Worldwide, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA, for "Compliance or Comfort Zone? The role of embedded ethics in performing regulation" (2013)
Research Grant, Chair Société Générale-ESCP Europe (Prés HéSam) « Leadership, Organizations and Society » (2012-2015) for a project on « the corporation as a political actor ».
CEFAG (FNEGE) Class of 2011
PhD Visiting scholar Grant
Excellency Scholarship for Higher Education (French Government) (2002-2007)